Java & Scripting

Downloading Java applets
Viewing the Java message log
Using JavaScript

To download Java applets

  1. From the Edit menu, choose Preferences.
  2. Click the Web Content tab.
  3. Select the Java check box.
  4. Choose a Java Virtual Machine.
  5. Choose one of the following from the Byte Code Verification pop-up.
    Don't Check Code The lowest form of verification. Neither byte code on your local drive nor on the network is inspected.
    Check Remote Code Only applets coming from the network are inspected. Any byte code that may have been previously installed on your local drive will not be verified.
    Check All Code The highest form of verification. Byte code coming from both your local drive and the network are inspected.
  6. Choose one of the following from the Network Access pop-up
    Applet Host Access Medium-level security: Once downloaded, the applet can only send and receive information from the server from which it was downloaded.
    No Network Access High-level security. Once downloaded, the applet cannot access any servers on the Internet.
    Unrestricted Access Low-level security. Java applets can send and receive information to any server on the Internet.
  7. Select the Restrict Access to Non-Java Class Files check box to prevent Java applets from reading, creating or modifying files on your local hard drive. When selected, java applets will have access only to files essential to its program.

Related Topic
Viewing the Java message log

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To view the Java download log

Related Topic
Downloading Java applets

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To use JavaScript

  1. From the Edit menu, choose Preferences.
  2. Click the Web Content tab.
  3. Make sure the Scripting check box is selected. If a Web page uses JavaScript and you have cleared the Scripting check box, you may be able to view the elements, but you will not be able use them. For example, if JavaScript is used to create a pop-up menu, you may be able to see the menu items, but nothing will happen when you choose an menu item.

Related Topic
New Features: JavaScript

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